

Chris joined Bickling Financial Services in 2019 as a technology analyst. He previously worked at Beacon Financial Planning supporting the administrative needs of the office.

Chris graduated from Gannon University with a Bachelor of Science in electric engineering, with an emphasis in mathematics. He began his career at Master Associates working on applications in factory automation and robotics. In his free time, he enjoys freshwater fishing, camping and spending time with his family.

Christopher works in our South Easton office and can be reached at 781-862-9792 or

  1. A life-long member of the Boy Scouts of America Chris achieved many awards including Eagle Scout, Scoutmaster of the Year and District Award of Merit. Chris’ Eagle Project consisted of salvaging abandoned buildings and repurposing the wood for future projects and the land for nature and an extensive wildflower garden. Chris is also a Vigil Member of the Order of the Arrow and a Wood Badge Trainee.

  2. Chris volunteers his time helping in his community by supporting the city’s annual holiday parade, the Frederick Douglas community garden and has contributed significantly to the South Shore Community Magazine over the years.

  3. Chris enjoys spending time with his wife Nicki and their child Harlem as well as their dog Champ, cat George and guinea pig Khal Drogo.

  4. Chris enjoys cooking and gardening as well as hiking and playing basketball and tennis when he has time. Chris is a huge Larry Bird fan.

  5. Chris enjoys listening and collecting all different genres of music on recorded media.